Billie Joe used to have a nose ring, but he took it out because it got caught on his shirt.
Billie Joe sometimes suffers from panic attacks and aniexty.
Billie wears Jockey underwear.
It has been said that Billie Joe is a registered member of I've heard his name is B. Armstrong.
At age 15, Billie tried to go to an Operation Ivy concert, but he was refused entry. One of the members of the band
heard he wasn't allowed in, so they came out and personally esorted him into the show.
Billie drives a blue 67 Ford Fairlane. Mike drives a BMW, and Tre sports an SUV.
Billie Joe's cat, Zero, died in his washing machine.
Billie's trademark first guitar is named Blue, and was given to him by his father before he died. Blue is now retired,
but Billie has several replicas of the guitar.
Billie Joe has been rumored to have been romantically linked to Winona Ryder.
When Billie was younger he put 409 in his teacher's coffee. (409 in Your Coffeemaker)
Billie Joe's nickname in high school was "Two Dollar Bill" because he sold joints for two dollars.
Billie Joe's mother spelled his name wrong on his birth certificate. Not because she was high with illegal drugs, she
was loopy because of the massive amounts of painkillers in her body to ease childbirth.
In the second grade two girls beat up Billie Joe so that he would date them.
Billie Joe and Adrienne spent their honeymoon at Berkley's Claremont Hotel, which is a short distance from their house.
The first time Billie Joe kissed Adrienne he went home and wrote 2,000 Light Years Away.
Billie Joe's birthday is on the same day as National Cabbage Day.
Billie likes playing the drums most out of the piano, harmonica, and the mandolin.
Billie occasionally wears nail polish.
For the video for Jaded, because the lyrics are about being stoned and how you feel when you're stoned. Billie decided
to get high while shooting the video just to get the feel for the song.
Billie Joe thinks that Staind's lead singer sounds like Cher.
Billie Joe hates Slipknot. He said that the masks "Are so fucking retarded", and one time, a fan threw some screwed
up mask on the stage, and when Billie Joe picked it up he looked in disgust and said, "Were not fucking slipknot, you asshole!"
Billie Joe doesn't like Eminem.
Billie Joe played football for John Swett High School in Crockett, CA.
Billie uses Jhirmack Styling Spritz to get his hair good and crunchy.
Billie has a guitar made with with different parts called Frankenstein.
On the "1,000 Hours" record they spell Billie's name as "Billy".
Billie's had his blue 67 Ford Fairlane for ages, it's even featured in Christie Road "Standing on my beat up car". When
Billie first earned enough money with his music, he had the car primered.
Billie Joe when talking about future plans said he would become a soccer team coach.
The first album Billie Joe bought as Elvis Presley's "The Sun Sessions".
In the song "Sick Of Me" on Shenanigans, right before billie joe says "Like a dog...." you can hear a "squishy" noise
Billie Joe likes to take books on tour.
The electricians tape on Billie Joe's large cutaway on Blue is there because some dude knocked into him at one of their
first gigs and he dropped the guitar, causing it to crack from the strap lock down. He then later taped it up.
The BLACK FORK album ROCK FOR LOOT was produced by Billie Joe. Even though in the insert it is spelled Billy Joe.
In early 2001 Billie Joe was mugged at gunpoint and is now terrified of guns.
Billie Joe got body lice while on tour in Germany in Green Day's early days.
Billie Joe said that if he could be any female celebrity, he would be Chrissie Hynde.
Billie Joe was in a documentary called "Mayor of the Sunset Strip" in 2003.
Billie Joe played "Ghostly Betting Man" on the show Haunted in 2002. The episode is named "Simon Redux." It has never
aired in the USA.
Billie Joe guest starred on the Howard Stern Radio Show on December 9, 2000.
In sessions at AOL, on the exclusive interview with Green Day, they misspell Billie Joe's name. They spell it Billy
Billie Joe was on an episode of Inked titled "Murphy's Law". It showed Billie Joe getting his Adeline tattoo on his